Events at The Dance Corner

2025 TDC Picture Days

March 7th and March 8th at The Dance Corner

Please click here for the complete schedule: 2025 Picture Day Schedule (1)


Classes: There will be NO regular classes on Picture Days- Friday, March 7th and Saturday, March 8th.

Conflicts– Please notify Miss Elizabeth if you have a conflict with your scheduled photo time. Students who cannot attend their class’s scheduled time may schedule another time to have individual pictures taken, but they will NOT be in the class photo. Please notify Miss Elizabeth if you will not be at picture days so that we do not wait for you for the group photo if you do not plan to be there.

Arrival– Please have your child at the studio 5-10 minutes before their scheduled photo time, dressed in their costume with hair and makeup done.

Costumes– Please label your costumes, shoes, and other belongings. Some costumes may require minor alterations. Please have your child try on their costumes and check for anything that needs to be adjusted BEFORE picture day. If you are unsure about any alterations, please speak with Miss Elizabeth.

Hair– Hair should be pulled back into a neat bun at the back of the head, or in one or two French braids. Students with shorter hair should pull it away from their face with neutral colored bobby pins or barrettes. Bangs are okay.

Makeup– Makeup is optional.

Headpieces– Please DO NOT put on headpieces or other accessories until you arrive at the studio. We will put these on the whole class together so we have a uniform look.

Dressing Rooms– The Blue Studio will be the designated girls’ dressing room. The Pink and Purple studios will be set up for photographers. Please DO NOT use the waiting rooms as changing areas, as the doors will be opening and closing frequently, with many people walking through.

Boys– The boys dressing room will be located in the shop. The back door will be unlocked for easy access to the studios for pictures.

Personal Photos– Please note, the photography company DOES NOT ALLOW any parents to take pictures behind the camera, from the door, or through the window while their dancer is being photographed. You may take photos of your dancer in the waiting room if you’d like. Thank you for understanding!