Preparing for Your Child’s First Dance Class
Your child’s first dance class at The Dance Corner is on the calendar and it’s all your child can talk about … what they’re going to wear, who they’re going to meet, what they’re going to do. It’s seemingly endless anticipation!

We know how exciting it is for you and your child to get ready for their first dance class. Sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming too—like learning a whole new “dance language” for this new adventure! Rest assured that the feeling is normal, and we’re here to make sure you feel informed and organized for that first class. Check out our easy recommendations for being as prepared as possible for the big day:
2-4 weeks before:
- Read through The Dance Corner’s policies and dress code
- Obtain the correct dancewear and shoes
- Check the schedule to confirm your child’s class day and time
1-2 weeks before:
- Visit us at the studio with your child (if you haven’t already!)
- Talk with your child about what it will be like to listen to the teacher and meet new friends
- Practice getting dressed for dance class
On the day of:
- Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early so your child doesn’t feel rushed
- Leave any jewelry or toys at home
- Pack your child’s dance shoes in a bag so they are not worn outside
Remember that your child might feel anxious before the first class, and that’s OK! Our teachers will put them at ease and make sure they feel welcome in the studio. Keep reassuring your little one that it’s normal to feel nervous before trying something new, and that you’re proud of them for making the effort.

In our experience at The Dance Corner, most students take time to “warm-up” to the routine of coming to dance class, and it may take them a few weeks to feel completely comfortable. Some students, of course, jump right in with no hesitation! We love them all the same and are equipped to support them either way. No matter what, we look forward to seeing your little one in class soon!
The Summer Stride
It may be cold outside, but summer is here at The Dance Corner. We are planning a SUPER summer full of dance, tumbling, imagination, new goals, new friendships and tons of FUN!
With so many summer activities to choose from, you might have been wondering lately if summer dance and tumbling classes are right for your child. From our experience, every student has the potential to hit their “summer stride” … in other words, they all have the ability to keep their learning power going in the summer, without losing any momentum!
We believe there is a unique benefit for each and every student who dances with us in the summer, whether it’s during a weekly class, a dance camp, or an intensive workshop. Read on to see which advantages might be in store for your child!
Making Progress
Because dance is built on muscle memory, summer classes can help your child fine-tune their movement vocabulary and technique, allowing them to improve their skills, grow stronger, and be better prepared to take on new material.
Being Consistent
Young children do well with stability in their routine, so maintaining that normalcy with summer dance can give them (and you!) peace of mind, even as the rest of your summer plans may vary.
Getting Motivated
After the recital, we find that some students are eager to try a new dance style (usually something they were inspired by!) to see how they like it. Summer is THE perfect time to test out those new interests, without a long commitment.
Gaining Confidence
Our summer programs, with their blend of both structure and fun, can give your child the boost they need to jump into fall classes feeling good about themselves. There’s nothing quite like the personal development that can be built in the summer!
It’s part of our mission to ensure that your child is learning how to balance their hard work with time off, and the summer offers the best of both worlds. We encourage all of our students to make time for rest and relaxation, and also make time to keep their bodies strong and minds engaged. This balance is what the true summer stride is all about!
There’s something for everyone here this summer at The Dance Corner.We’re happy to help you customize the right schedule for your family or make a special recommendation for your child … just ask!
How to Make the Most Out of Your Child’s Classroom Experience
Dance lessons can be an awesome way to encourage your child’s personal growth! At The Dance Corner, we’re not just teaching dance steps in our classrooms—we’re developing curious, compassionate young leaders and equipping them for success.
We know that it can be a challenge sometimes to know what to do to offer support and encouragement for your dancer—especially if you are still new to the world of dance! Here are four of our best tips for making the most out of your child’s class experience at The Dance Corner:
- Talk about dance at home
Although many of our young dancers take just one or two classes per week, dance is usually on their minds every day! Read dance books together or listen to music and try some dance moves in the living room. This helps keep your child’s mind engaged about dance in an extra-fun way—because they can share it with you!
- Ask your child to teach you what they are learning
Since dance lessons are built on structure and repetition, teaching someone else can be a fun way to practice. Even if your child is still working on remembering their steps, this can help exercise their memory! (Plus, it can be pretty cute.)
- Find out what your child likes best about class, or what they find challenging
Gain insight into what your child loves about dance—and what they think is hard—by asking them about their class. Do they have a favorite step? Have they made some new friends? What do they like about their teacher? These answers can help you understand what your child’s experience is like.
- Voice your support
The way you praise your child can be very useful in helping them get the most out of dance class! Use phrases like, “I love watching you dance!” or “I can tell you’ve been working hard.” or “Did you try your best? That’s what’s most important.” Your child’s confidence and enthusiasm will continue to grow with this kind of encouragement at home and at class.
We hope these four tips come in handy as your child progresses through our dance season and of course, we’re always happy to help with any class curriculum or programming questions you might have. We’re so thankful you’ve chosen The Dance Corner for your child’s education in dance!
The Benefits of Recital – Creating Lifetime Memories
The recital is known for creating special memories—both for the dancer and for their family and friends. It is a sentimental moment in time for many parents, watching their child perform in front of an audience! For most of our dance families at The Dance Corner, it marks the closure of one year’s journey in dance and “sets the stage” for the next.
After the recital, costumes become special mementos, yearbooks become keepsakes, photos become scrapbook centerpieces, and the recital video often become your household’s most-watched entertainment! The time may have passed, but the souvenirs remain … along with the personal growth each student has achieved.
One comment we often hear from parents after the recital is how their child won’t stop talking about it! The excitement lifts them up long after the curtain has come down. We love hearing about this kind of enthusiasm, and we hope you’ll keep the dance conversation going at home. This is an excellent time to listen to what your child has to say about what they liked best or what was challenging. Being able to reflect on the experience and communicate that to others is another awesome skill to develop!
Sometimes the memories made at recital aren’t the ones you’d expect. Maybe your dancer became distracted at one point onstage and made a silly face that made everyone laugh, or maybe they forgot a step during the dance and seemed discouraged. Live performances can be a little unpredictable like this, but with a growth mindset, you and your child can still choose to see the positive outcome. Like how that silly face was sweet and entertaining, and grandma loved it. Or that forgotten step? What a way to show perseverance!
The lifetime memories made at the recital enrich our students’ knowledge and understanding of what a performance encompasses. They create context for other performing opportunities, such as in theater or music, and they build the kind of confidence only experience can deliver.
Performing onstage is an incredible opportunity for dancers to share what they have been learning in class, and to showcase their progress from the beginning of the year to the end. Learning how to dance is a gradual process, and some skills take years to fully master—but however big or small the steps are, it is a major accomplishment for anyone to perform in front of hundreds of people! All the hard work is worthwhile when a dancer experiences the high fives and smiles and congratulations that the recital brings from classmates, family, and friends.
Whether it’s a young dancer performing for their first time or a teen dancer performing at the end of her senior year, recital achievements are incredibly special to celebrate. Lifelong memories are made from those achievements—and for many dancers, a true passion for dance is ignited!
The Benefits of Performance – Confidence
Dance is the ultimate performing art, and dancing onstage at the performance serves as a powerful tool for building a child’s confidence in themselves—a confidence that easily carries over into a dancer’s home life, schoolwork, and friendships.
So how can one special event create such a big difference? Well, it’s not just about that day. It’s also about the process leading up to it, followed by the culmination of all that hard work.
In our experience at The Dance Corner, a rise in confidence begins with effort in the classroom. Our students begin learning new steps and choreography, and as they make the effort to execute those skills, their confidence builds. With compliments and corrections from the teacher, each dancer becomes more determined to improve.
In some dancers this confidence boost comes easily over time, but in others it can be more daunting. For example, sometimes there is a student who feels down on themselves when they aren’t learning a step or concept fast enough. We teach them that everyone learns at their own pace, and with their continued practice and perseverance, they’ll make progress. And when that student begins to see their effort paying off, their confidence soars! Overcoming that temporary “slump” actually helped them see that they can rely on themselves and be stronger for it.
As we get closer and closer to the performance and the choreography for the routine is complete, we will oftentimes see a spike in confidence along with their excitement for the big day. The more they practice, the more assured they become. They can also begin to picture themselves performing, and that visualization inspires them from the inside out.
Of course when performance day is finally here, sometimes shyness, nerves, or anxiety can make a child’s confidence waver. But if they’ve already built up their “confidence muscles” in class, they can quickly conquer those fears and dance onstage with no worries at all. We’ve seen many students over the years who’ve overcome their stage fright—and then never want to leave the stage!
One of the most magical confidence-boosting moments for a performer is hearing the audience applaud, knowing that family and friends are there! It tells the dancers they are appreciated for dancing their hearts out. It is such a rewarding feeling to realize that your hard work has paid off, and that the audience loved your performance.
The pride our students feel in themselves at that moment is well-earned. The sense of accomplishment after getting out there and performing is a triumphant feeling like no other, and it’s not an exaggeration to say we’ve seen it transform lives. The confidence our students develop is truly one of the most valuable benefits there is when it comes to performing!
We’re Grateful for You

Dear TDC families,
This dance season has been like no other, and we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude to YOU, for believing in the transformative power of dance. Through thick and thin—through the unpredictable nature of living through a pandemic—you have allowed your child to dance; to soak up the benefits of movement, self-expression, teamwork, and social-emotional growth. We are grateful for you!
When so many parts of our dancers’ lives were inconsistent, you kept this door open for them. You were willing to take the necessary steps to make dance possible, whether it was changing up your schedule, wearing masks, waiting in your car, adapting to an outdoor classroom, or going virtual. We know these are not small sacrifices! But we are thankful beyond measure that we have been able to continue to serve your family.
As the months ahead still remain a bit uncertain for our world, we know that because of your support, dance can continue to be one thing that IS certain. Whether we see your dancer once a week or for several hours, know that teaching them is the best part of our day. Dance teaching is a joyous profession and our students bring us so much joy!
We hope that you, too, experience joy from your child’s dance experience. We often hear about dancers who put on their own performances in the living room or choreograph to their favorite tunes. Some parents tell us how their child will teach steps to other family members or shyly demonstrate what they’ve learned in class. In whatever way it happens in your house, we hope you see the same spark in your child that we do.
The Dance Corner is proud to uphold high standards of dance training, but the most special part of our work is watching our dancers develop into amazing human beings. It may sound cliché but it’s true: Dance has proven time and time again to help our students become stronger, healthier, and more confident in themselves. And now especially, it’s provided a boost to their resilience, showing them just how buoyant they really are; that they can learn and grow in dance class, no matter what the class looks like.
So thank you, families, for your belief in us—for understanding the benefits of dance and seeing the advantages in the whole health of your child. Thank you for making it possible for us to keep our doors open (even when our facility doors had to be shut). We appreciate all you do.
With love,
The faculty and staff at The Dance Corner